Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Two weeks ago we decided to take a break from our 'ticket' system and begin some new rules in our household to try to get my kids to be more self-motivated.

Here's what worked:

No screen time except weekends (exceptions were made for major events/birthdays) has been amazing. The kids have been coming to me and telling me their bored and I'm so happy! It means a few minutes later, they problem solve and start using their creative sides!

Making goals and making plans to accomplish the goals. We did this with Mo (almost 7), but not with Shais (just turned 5) and Mo has been very motivated to accomplish his goals.

Here's what wasn't so great

We all missed the tickets. We had a birthday last week and Mo really wanted to buy his brother a present from the mommy store, but needed a few more tickets. How could I possibly say no to such a sweet gesture? We ended up assigning some extra chores so he could 

When we used tickets, the kids had a consistent way to track their behavior and accomplishments. I think we were just relying on them too much.